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Around town...

Capturing great images of people is such a wonderful experience and makes photography worth the time and energy; seeing clients happy with their final product makes it all worth it. However, from time to time I love walking "Around town..." and grabbing shots of interesting architecture, evening scenes, nature, or just a front door. Keep in mind, asking a wall to say cheese or pose just doesn't work, so it's up to the photographer to make something of the subject. To me it's all about the view, angles, lighting, texture, color, just to name a few things. I took the first photo in the group below at the entrance of the Columbus Zoo. What I love about it is the subtle cloud streak that looks like Santa himself just flew by on his sleigh. Maybe he did?!? This image was taken with the Tamron 24-70mm, which allowed for a wide angle view, but still provides you, the photographer, the opportunity to get in a little closer to the subject. The other images were taken with either a 24-70mm or a 50mm lens. Enjoy the other random images, as well...

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